Waldemar Serrano-Burgos

May 15, 2010, 12:00-2:00 pm
Miami Beach Regional Library, 227 22nd Street, South Beach 33139
A Breast Cancer Support Group Free Lecture
This lecture is to help breast cancer survivors, family members and loved ones as well as people in general learn how to get back on with their lives after a traumatic event or simply how to move on with life effectively.
“What Women Want…5 Steps to Transform Your Life” is directly related to the transformation of women that are going through challenges in their lives. This lecture will help the participants get in touch with their spiritual, physical and emotional sides, through the integration of life coaching exercises, techniques and meditations that will help them get rid of blockages that are holding them to be the light of their own lives.
Waldemar Serrano-Burgos, CEC is a Certified Life Coach, born and raised in Puerto Rico, living in Miami where he has been operating his Life Coaching practice since 2008. Since childhood, he has dedicated all his life to giving to others, whether as a missionary in South America, or a volunteer and board member of different non-profit organizations in Florida, Puerto Rico and South America, including the American Cancer Society, Susan G. Komen, Unity on the Bay, and others.
Serrano-Burgos’ spiritual awakening started very early in his life, leading him to become a Reiki practitioner, student of the Course of Miracles and also to study different religions, self help field, metaphysics, and other disciplines. His transformation and his 3 near-death experiences in different stages of his life are a living testimony of what we all are capable of doing.
His mission is simple: “to motivate the transformation of the people, throughout the development of their spiritual awakening, so that they can be the light to others.”
For more details, call 305.531.2046 or e-mail [email protected]