H3 Educational Series Presents
Sharing powerful self-healing methods from Asia for
life-long health & spiritual fulfillment

Dates: Saturday, June 22, July 13 and August 10
Time: 10am
Where: Hotel Victor South Beach Vue Terrace
1144 Ocean Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139
Suggested Donation: $15
*Street Parking and/or $2 p/hour Public Parking Garage
512 12th St, South Beach, 33139
*Please wear comfortable, loose clothing and eat lightly before the class
H3 continues its educational healing series with three Summer diverse Qigong classes. Find out how you can take charge of your own health with the daily practice of Qigong (chigong). During the class demonstration, Dashi will explain in simple terms how Qigong can help reduce stress, improve vitality, strengthen the immune system, keep the body fit and pain-free and enhance life-long health and inner peace. Here are our dates:
Saturday, June 22 at 10am: Swimming Dragon Qigong: This unusual Taoist form, which imitates a dragon swimming in the sea, is unsurpassed for its simplicity and economy of movement. Reputed to be the best Qigong for balancing weight, hormones & appetite, the sinuous movements of the form massage the internal organs, activate lymph circulation & detoxification and strengthen the immune system.
Saturday, July 13 at 10am: Taiji Qigong 18 Forms: Experience movement as a “blissful flow of energy through your entire body.” Based on the organ-meridian system of Chinese Medicine, this practice elevates the Qi circulation in the body to reduce stress, keep joints supple and pain-free, harmonize organ function and rejuvenate your body, mind, and spirit.
Saturday, August 10 at 10am: Wisdom Qigong: Experience the remarkable healing results of Wisdom Qigong, #1 system of medical Qigong in China, with a 95% success rate in treating over 180 diseases without medicines or special diets. In this experiential workshop, Dashi will teach simple techniques to experience Qi, and learn how to transmit it to oneself for self-healing. Together we will create a “group healing Qi field” using powerful visualizations, and practice the 20-minute foundation form for daily health maintenance and reversing disease.
Together we will create a “healing Qi field,” and learn some powerful methods for self-healing.
Dashi Chu Kocica, AP, is an Acupuncture Physician, specializing in Asian Healing Arts and self-healing. She teaches and lectures on the healing benefits of Qigong, Taiji Chuan, and yoga at home and abroad, and is an author of over a dozen DVDs on Qigong and rejuvenation. Dashi’s love for Qigong was born from a life-transforming experience: In 1997 she cured herself of a partial hearing loss at the world’s largest Qigong hospital in China. Since then she is dedicated to bringing these ancient and powerful methods to the West.
She has over 50 years of experience “cross-training” in Qigong, Taiji, and yoga and her mission is to inspire and empower the individual to take charge of their health and well-being. Her diverse background in Traditional Chinese Medicine, anatomy and biomechanics has given her a unique insight into the principles of movement and energy flow. She teaches students how to experience movement as a “blissful flow of energy through the body.” For more information about her work, visit www.asianhealingarts.org.
For more information about the event, call 305.531.2046 or e-mail [email protected].
*H3 Healing Qigong Educational Series is supported by Hotel Victor South Beach and Ocean Drive Association.
*H3: Health, Hope. Healing. Inc is a non-profit 501(c)(3) breast cancer organization with a 501(c) (3) tax-exempt status founded in December 2009. Prior to this date, H3 worked under the name of Breast Cancer Support Group.