Holistic Life Coaching and Detoxification Programs
Jill Ayn Scheneider

June 19, 2010, 12:00-2:00 pm
Miami Beach Regional Library, 227 22nd Street, South Beach – 33139
The Breast Cancer Support Group, under the umbrella of H3: Health. Hope. Healing. is bringing to you a Detox Program lecture, where simple approach can help you to detox your body with powerful results. Our guest speaker is Jill Ayn Scheneider, creator of the Holistic Life Coaching Program.
Holistic Life Coaching is a creative and intuitive partnership setting goals and developing common sense strategies to overcome difficult life issues. By safely getting in touch with your deeply felt emotional vulnerability (the major source of all of our issues), it guides you to a stronger and clearer mental, emotional, physical and spiritual perspective. This transformational shift will then motivate you to set healthier boundaries within yourself and others. Food, as medicine, is a major component of this work. It will begin with detoxification from harmful chemicals, non-foods and unconscious eating. Fasting, raw foods or a gentle macrobiotic approach might be recommended.
In February, 1975, Jill Ayn Scheneider was diagnosed with malignant cervical cancer. At that time, she also was studying Oriental Medicine and her teacher suggested her to consult Michio Kushi, macrobiotic authority and founder of the Kushi Institute in Massachusetts. Following Mr. Kushi’s advice along with Acupuncture, Herbs, Yoga, Mediation, Massage, and Castor Oil Hot Packs, in one month her condition began to improve. She then quit a very stressful job and began to travel in the jungles and mountains of South America. Four months later, back in Miami, tests revealed that she was cancer-free. Thirty-five years later, she continues to be cancer-free.
Jill Ayn Schneider is Director of Circle of Life Holistic Programs which offers natural detoxification programs by the ocean. Jill can be reached through her website www.circle-of-life.net. Learn more about an e-book called Romancing Life: An Alternative to Cancer www.circle-of-life.net/book.php.