Our last two open discussions provided powerful insights and ideas about the possibilities of better treatments, prevention, and the ultimate goal of finding a cure. The emphasis was on how individuals could improve their own health choices by having personal responsibility – “it begins with me.” We are here today to further explore new possibilities for improved treatments and living a better life as a cancer survivor – by working together!
The H3’s Third Open Discussion panelists will focus on the following questions:
1) Why has the rate of cancer diagnosis remained relatively unchanged, even with all the “healthy” lifestyle changes people have made? Are we really making any progress with prevention?
2) Is it possible for conventional doctors and alternative practitioners to work together to provide the best combination of treatments for their patients? Are hospital doctors too bound by the medical system and insurance companies to step outside their traditional roles?
3) Realistically, how do you see the future of cancer? Is there hope? Are we making a difference? What more can we do?
H3’s Founder and Director, Janinha Piazzetta, is moderating the discussion panel. Each participant will address the three questions above from their unique perspective. The audience will have an opportunity to participate with questions towards the end.
Our Panelists:
Lisa Blumetti, ERPR+, HER2+, has been a stage IV breast cancer conqueror for 11 years. She is the Chairperson on the Board of Directors for H3 and has tried to use her cancer experiences to help further their mission of improving wellness through education about conventional and non-conventional modalities.
Eric W. Dickhaus, MD, Ph.D., specializes in Neuropathology, Psychiatry, and Cancer Epigenetics. His research interests include breast cancer epigenetics, targeted therapies, DNA methylation, histone acetylation, and deacetylation. He professionally integrates traditional and non-traditional treatments, including psychology and psychiatry, with the goal of lifelong quality medical care for cancer patients.
Nilza Kallos, MD founded in 1981 the Breast Health Center & Diagnostic Ultrasound, the first multi-modality breast center in Florida. Dr. Kallos is board certified in Nuclear Medicine and a certified menopausal clinician. She joined University of Miami Sylvester Cancer Center as the director of Women’s Imaging at Lennar Foundation Medical Center.
Tamara Filgueiras, LCSW, is a Cancer Survivor, Psychotherapist, and Licensed Clinical Social Worker. She is the founder of Oasis Counseling & Wellness in Hollywood, FL, where she offers mental health counseling to adults, adolescents, and children; as well as to couples and families. She specializes in Anxiety & Mood Disorders, Coping with Trauma & Illness, as well as Stress Management.
Ann Fonfa, ADVOC is a breast cancer survivor, advocate and founder of The Annie Appleseed Project (www.annieappleseedproject.org) whose website now receives 90,000 monthly visitors. The organization runs a national conference each year in West Palm Beach, and smaller events throughout the year.