H3 Qigong Series

Dashi Chu Kocica, Acupuncture Physician
China-Certified Wisdom Qigong Instructor
We all are experiencing intense moments, making us conscious of our strengths and vulnerabilities, inspiring us to find a good balance for our mental and physical stability. H3 is back to support our community during the pandemic with our virtual educational events. Our first event is a Qigong lecture/demonstration by the renowned instructor, Dashi, followed by a 5-Day Intensive Qigong class.
August 11, 2020: Free Lecture/Demonstration
Dashi will share her story of healing a partial hearing loss at the world’s largest Qigong hospital in China in 1997. Then she will explain in easy-to-understand terms what Qi is, why it is important to our health, and how the daily practice of Qigong helps reduce pain and stress, boost vitality, slow down aging, and promote life-long health and inner peace. Together we will create a “group healing Qi field” to experience how we can merge our energy fields and connect to the Universal Qi for powerful individual and collective healing.
Place: ZOOM class series hosted by Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce
Date: August 11, 2020
Time: 4:30pm
Followed by a 5-Day Intensive Qigong Class
August 17- August 21, 2020: 5-Day Intensive Qigong class
Designed to give participants the optimum experience of self-healing with the daily practice of Qigong, classes will meet for 5-consecutive days to learn how to create a “group healing Qi Field before the practice, the 20-minute foundation form of Wisdom Qigong, and the Guided Healing Meditation. At the end of the series, participants will be proficient to continue practicing with Dashi’s DVD & CD.
Pre-Register at https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_1txA4mvsQcyRtfQoNFHp7A
Dates: Monday-Friday, August 17-August 21, 2020 via H3 ZOOM
Times: 6:30pm
Cost: Free but donations are accepted. All proceeds go to support H3’s work.
Donations at https://h3hope.org/make-a-donation/
Dashi Chu Kocica, AP, is an Acupuncture Physician from Miami, specializing in Asian Healing Arts and self-healing. She teaches and lectures on the healing benefits of Qigong, Taiji Chuan, and yoga at home and abroad, and is the author of over a dozen DVDs on Qigong and rejuvenation. For more information about her work, visit www.asianhealingarts.org.
For more information about the event, email [email protected] and/or call 305.531.2046.
Disclaimer: “H3 and the instructor of this program do not assume any liability for injury or loss in connection with the program or instruction herein.”