H3 Qigong Series
Free 5-Day Intensive Qigong Class

Dashi Chu Kocica, Acupuncture Physician
China-Certified Wisdom Qigong Instructor
We all are experiencing intense moments, making us conscious of our strengths and vulnerabilities, inspiring us to find a good balance for our mental and physical stability. H3 is back to support our community during the pandemic with our virtual educational events. Our next event is a 5-Day Intensive Qigong class by the renowned instructor Dashi.
H3 5-Day Intensive Qigong Class
August 17 to August 21, 2020: 5-Day Intensive Qigong Class
Designed to give participants the optimum experience of self-healing with the daily practice of Qigong, classes will meet for 5 consecutive days to learn how to create a “group healing Qi Field” before the practice, the 20-minute foundation form of Wisdom Qigong, and the Guided Healing Meditation. At the end of the series, participants will be proficient to continue practicing with Dashi’s DVD & CD.
Pre-Register at https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_1txA4mvsQcyRtfQoNFHp7A
Dates: Monday, August 17 to Friday, August 21, 2020 – VIA ZOOM
Times: 6:30pm – 7:30pm
Cost: Free but donations are accepted. All proceeds go to support H3’s work.
Donations at https://h3hope.org/make-a-donation/
Dashi Chu Kocica, AP, is an Acupuncture Physician from Miami, specializing in Asian Healing Arts and self-healing. She teaches and lectures on the healing benefits of Qigong, Taiji Chuan, and yoga at home and abroad, and is the author of over a dozen DVDs on Qigong and rejuvenation. For more information about her work, visit www.asianhealingarts.org.
For more information about the event, email [email protected] and/or call 305.531.2046.
Disclaimer: “H3 and the instructor of this program do not assume any liability for injury or loss in connection with the program or instruction herein.”