Dashi Chu Kocica

Dashi Chu Kocica, Acupuncture Physician
Asian Healing Arts
Jan 19, 12:00-2:00 pm
Miami Beach Regional Library, 227 22nd Street, South Beach – 33139
H3 is kicking off 2013 with a great healing event. Join us to learn the Guided Healing Meditation practiced in the world’s largest Qigong hospital, where over 180 diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, lupus, and arthritis, have been successfully treated with the daily practice of Qigong.
Dashi will share her story of healing a partial hearing loss with Wisdom Qigong,* and explain in simple terms how Qigong helps reduce stress, improve vitality, boost the immune system, promote life-long health and inner peace. Together we will create a “group healing Qi field” and learn how to channel the remarkable power of intention for healing for ourselves and others.
*Also known as Zhineng Qigong or Chilel Qigong™
TBA- Upcoming workshop on Wisdom Qigong sponsored by H3
About Our Guest:
Dashi Chu Kocica, AP, is an Acupuncture Physician specializing in Asian Healing Arts. She lectures and teaches world-wide on the healing benefits of Qigong, Taiji and yoga, and is author of 10 DVDs on fitness and rejuvenation. Dashi is China-certified in Wisdom (Zhineng) Qigong and Lian Gong. She is a Supreme Science Qigong Facilitator and Trainer, is certified in TriYoga® and 13th Octave LaHoChi®. Dashi is the Educational Director of the Center for BioTherapeutics in Miami. Learn more about her work at www.asianhealingarts.org.
For more details about the lecture or the group, call 305.531.2046 or e-mail [email protected].