Enhancing Intimacy and Sexual Desire After Cancer or Any Illness!
Openly Speaking about Sex
Dr. Marilyn K. Volker, Ed.D.
Sexologist/Educational Counselor

Wednesday, October 18, 6-8pm
Lambda Living Center, 7275 NE 4th Ave, #110
Miami, 33138 in the Rail 71 Complex
Light Refreshments and Free Parking
Sexuality issues are vital to self-esteem. Living with cancer or any other illness presents challenges in many areas, including the bedroom. In her compassionate info-tainment style, Marilyn will highlight critical intimacy issues with strategies and resources including 8 Types of intimacy, only ONE of which is sex.
This is a very special experience for ALL in our community – single, partnered, married, divorced, widowed, looking or not….please come and experience Dr. Volker’s unique style of honoring life, love and loss, as they apply to our life-long dance with intimacy.
Marilyn Volker, sexuality educator for the past forty years, is a Diplomat of the American Board of Sexology and an Associate Fellow of The American Academy of Clinical Sexologists. She is adjunct faculty of three South Florida universities – University of Miami, Florida International University, and St. Thomas University.
Dr. Volker trains counselors to become sex therapists through the Florida Post-Graduate Sex Therapy Training Institute and sits on doctoral committees for The Joint Doctoral Program in Clinical Sexology for Sex Therapists. She has served as sexuality consultant for a variety of addiction/trauma treatment facilities state and nationwide and has written many articles for publications addressing sexuality issues in recovery.
Dr. Volker has been a professional guest on Barbara Walter’s 20/20 and Larry King Live regarding transgendered issues/gender variant children. She began her career teaching deaf children and continues to serve as sexuality consultant to a variety of special education programs, organizations, and community groups addressing body changes, diseases, and disabilities.
Her passion in life is to invite all people from nursery school to nursing homes to learn information about their one and only body – honoring public and private parts – by always being SAFE – physically, emotionally, and sexually!
For more information about Dr. Volker, please log on: https://www.therapycertificationtraining.org/about-us/instructors/91-marilyn-k-volker
For details about the event, call 305.531.2046, email [email protected] and/or visit www.h3hope.org.
*This event is supported by Lambda Living Center, a program of JCS of South Florida (Jewish Community Services).
Lambda Living Senior Program