Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT Tapping)
Susan Somerset-Webb

April 16, 2011, 12:00-2:00 pm
Miami Beach Regional Library, 227 22nd Street, South Beach – 33139
One of the most devastating side effects of breast cancer or any other serious illness is the envelope of fear, shame and guilt that accompanies the diagnosis. These feelings tend to isolate the person, hinder the recovery process and are often the result of underlying beliefs that are beyond our conscious awareness.
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT Tapping) is a very efficient way to address the emotions that hinder recovery. Once you become proficient with EFT, it’s easier to deal with the cancer itself without being wrapped up in emotional aspects. Susan Somerset Webb understands this situation very well.
In 2001, Somerset-Webb was living and working in an extremely stressful environment for nearly a year. Like many, she ignored the toxic work environment and the obvious signs that it was a far-from-healthy workplace. She stayed at the job and became seriously ill. After nearly a year of lying in bed, hospital visits, medication and therapy, Susan was worse and started to have thoughts of taking her own life. At what seemed like the last minute, someone introduced her to EFT.
It was through the use of EFT that Susan eventually realized that her illness was connected to subconscious programming resulting from past experiences. She became dedicated to helping others heal their lives with the powerful Energy Psychology techniques that saved hers, including Psych K, EFT, Matrix Energetics and TAT.
TAP IT! The EFT Playbook is the product of her years of experience with EFT and thousands of client hours. Susan explains, “I wrote TAP IT! So others don’t have to struggle. Please don’t wait until your life is out of control to use this powerful technique. Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.”
Susan’s current client base is women, men and children from ages 6-84, and her focus is helping entrepreneurial women program their subconscious minds for success!
For more information about the lecture or H3, please call 305.531.2046 or email [email protected].