Bach Flower Remedies and Breast Cancer
Alicia Sirkin

Saturday, January 16, 2010 – 12pm to 2pm
Miami Beach Regional Library, 227 22nd Street, South Beach
Our Breast Cancer Support Group, under the umbrella of H3: Health.Hope.Healing is meeting on Saturday, January 16, 2010 from 12pm to 2pm at the Miami Beach Regional Library. Our guest is Alicia Sirkin, a Bach Flower practitioner, who recognizes the importance of introducing cancer patients to the remedies’ emotion-balancing effects.
Bach Flower Remedies and Breast Cancer:
Bach Flower Remedies can offer breast cancer patients and survivors a safe way to restore positive states of mind. A natural system of 38 liquids prepared from non-toxic wildflowers and spring water, the remedies promote a greater ability to bounce back to your positive self and ease you through life’s challenges. Whether treatments or the after effects of treatment have you feeling distressed, well chosen remedies can help effectively manage stress, anxiety and fear, depression, sadness, loneliness, resentment and anger, impatience, guilt and other difficult emotions. Join Alicia Sirkin to learn Bach Flower Remedies can help you experience more happiness, peace and better quality of life. Caregivers, find out how to reduce stress and weariness and maintain your sense of self while caring for another.
About Alicia Sirkin, RDH, BFRP
Bach Foundation Registered Practitioner
Founder and Director, the Sirkin Creative Living Center, LLC
Alicia Sirkin, Founder and Director of The Sirkin Creative Living Center, is a leading authority, speaker, media consultant, researcher and internationally published author in the field of Bach® Flower Remedies. A flower remedy advocate for 24 years, Alicia helps cancer patients better manage difficult emotions from the time of diagnosis to life after treatment.
The Miami Beach Regional Library is located at 227 22nd Street, South Beach – 33139
For more information call 305.531.2046 or e-mail [email protected]